Prijavite se na trening: Umjetnost u zagovaranju, Ohrid, Makedonija


International Debate Education Association South Eastern Europe (IDEA SEE) considers art and design as a very important tool for disseminating a message. Therefore IDEA SEE is organizing series of workshops where youth and NGOs will learn how to use art and design to tell their stories and send a message to the society. Two tracks are planned for the training, comics and street art and data visualization as tools for advocacy. The goal is to support and guide young leaders as they develop the skills for advocacy through art and design and with that confidence to lead effective transformation in their communities.

Young people aged 18-30 are invited to apply for the training;
Applicants should come from Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Albania, Bulgaria, and Kosovo.

Food, accommodation and training materials will be covered by IDEA SEE;
Transportation/Тravel costs to and from the venue are not covered.

How to apply?
Deadline: 20. September 2017.
Open to: young people aged 18-30, Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Albania, Bulgaria and Kosovo

For more information please register here.

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