YIHR BiH: Prijavite se na trodijelni trening program Historije i historija
Historije i historija – Trodijelni trening program – Poziv za učesnike iz Sarajeva
Courage gegen Fremdenhass e.V. (Berlin, Germany), Foyer d´Études Francaises (Drôme, France) i Youth Initiative for Human Rights in BiH (Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina) organizuju trodijelni trening program za multiplikatore iz Njemačke, Francuske i Bosne i Hercegovine, sa početkom u jesen 2017. i završetkom u jesen 2018.
The aim is to qualify the participants to individually manage and implement youth projects that are adapted to the specific current and historical conditions of their local or national location. We are looking primarily for young people (between 18 and 35) from Sarajevo and surrounding, who are related to the topic of history in a professional, activist or volunteer manner.
Dates and places of the training:
- Autumn 2017: Berlin/Würzburg, Germany
- Spring 2018: Dieulefit, France
- Autumn 2018: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
The first training will be in Berlin and Würzburg (Germany) from October 29 to November 5, 2017. The official project language is English. Costs, including travel, accommodation and meals, will be covered through project funds by the Franco-German Youth Office (OFAJ).
Interested and want to apply?
Send an e-mail to both, tuene.ltd@web.de and rasim@yihr.org, with the following content: name, date and place of birth, address, e-mail and phone number, 2-3 sentences about your professional activities, and a few sentences about your motivation to participate. We will accept applications until August 28, 2017 (Monday, 23.59h).
For more information, please contact Anna Tüne (tuene.ltd@web.de).